How to use Calendly's Troubleshoot Tool


We've improved availability management and the event type editor, now in public beta for select users. If you're in the beta, check out this article to learn more.

Whether you're currently in the beta or not, you'll find the information you need to use Calendly's troubleshoot tool here in this article.

If invitees can’t see dates and times on your booking page, use the Troubleshoot Tool to identify why. It will display troubleshoot codes to let you know how to resolve it.

Image  Are invitees scheduling time with you when you're busy? Read how to resolve this.

Where to find the Troubleshoot tool

When you log into your Calendly account, the Troubleshoot tool can be accessed from your event type’s booking page.


Beta: Event type editor
If you're in the beta, you will be able to access your booking page preview and your Troubleshoot tool in Calendly by opening your event type editor and clicking 'Show preview' at the top of your screen. 

Troubleshooting tool.gif

Locate Troubleshoot codes

  1. Navigate to your event’s booking page

  2. Select Troubleshoot towards the bottom of the page

  3. Select the date you are trying to resolve for

  4. Identify the time and troubleshoot code listed below

Identify and resolve Troubleshoot codes

  • What does it mean?
    • A buffer applied on a Calendly meeting interferes with this time.
    • Buffer settings lock in when an event is scheduled. Changes made to the event type after the meeting has been scheduled will not retroactively apply to existing meetings. 


      If you're in the beta, you will be able to edit your buffers from the Meetings tab in your account. 
      Edit Buffer in Meetings.png

  • How do you resolve it?
    • To remove it, uncheck the active buffers from the event type settings and reschedule the event for the same date and time. Read the article.
  • What does it mean?
    • There is a "busy" event on your connected calendar at this time.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Change calendar event status from "busy" to “free” or cancel the calendar event.
    • You can view the calendar(s) Calendly is checking for conflicts from your Calendar settings page. 
  • What does it mean?
    • The maximum allowed events per day for this type of event has been reached.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Edit the number of maximum allowed events per day for this type of event. Read the article.


      If you're in the beta, you will be able to locate max meetings setting by opening your event type editor, selecting More options at the bottom, and expanding the Limits and buffers section. 

  • What does it mean?
    • Event duration exceeds the available time period.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Increase your availability settings or decrease the duration in your event type settings.
  • What does it mean?
    • A scheduled Calendly event of this event type is already scheduled at this time.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Review and verify your scheduled meetings on your Meetings page.
  • What does it mean?
    • A Group event has reached its maximum number of attendees. 
  • How do you resolve it?
  • What does it mean?
    • The holiday functionality in your availability settings is activated and the selected date is set as an observed holiday. 
  • How do you resolve it?
    • You can edit your holiday settings at either the account level from your Availability page, or at the event type level within your event type's availability settings.


      If you're in the beta, you will be able to manage your account holidays from the Time off section of your Availability page, which you can locate from the account settings drop down menu in the top right corner. 

  • What does it mean?
    • One of the event hosts for a collective event type are not available for that date/time. 
  • How do you resolve it?
  • What does it mean?
    • Calendly is unable to connect to your calendar or a team member's calendar.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Ensure all calendars are connected in the Calendar settings page for you/your teams accounts.


      If you're in the beta, you will be able to locate your calendar settings from the Availability page. You can find the Availability page in the account settings drop down menu in the top right corner of your Calendly account. 

  • What does it mean?
    • A Calendly meeting is already scheduled at this time.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • You can review what events have been scheduled from your Meetings page.
  • What does it mean?
    • Date & time is in the past and can no longer be booked.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Select a date and time that is not in the past. 
  • What does it mean?
    • Date is outside of the event type's set available date range.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Edit the date range section in the event type settings.


      If you're in the beta, you will be able to locate your date range settings by opening your event type editor and expanding the Availability section. The date range settings will be at the top of this section. 
      Date Range.png

  • What does it mean?
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Schedule pending meetings for this time slot or clear reserved times from the Pending section of the Meetings page.
  • What does it mean?
    • No hosts assigned to the round robin event type are available.
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Verify distributions settings are correct or change availability settings for team members who could take this meeting.
      • Verify calendar and availability settings for hosts who are listed as unavailable who should be free. 
  • What does it mean?
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Change this setting within your event settings.


      If you're in the beta, you will be able to locate your minimum notice setting by opening your event type editor and expanding the Availability section. The minimum notice setting will be at the top of this section. 
      Date Range.png

  • What does it mean?
    • For round robin event types, this means that the only available team members for this date/time have too many meetings scheduled to allow for another. 
  • How do you resolve it?
    • Review your distributions settings or change the availability settings for other team members who could take this meeting.
    • Learn more about round robin distribution settings.

Frequently asked questions

How does daylight savings time (DST) impact my availability?

Calendly will detect and display correct meeting times even during DST. However, while the time is correct, the labels for the time zone will not change based on observing DST.

For example, if an invitee scheduled to meet on the Monday after DST at 10AM, the meeting time will still display as 10AM.

I changed the event status on my calendar from busy to free. Why is my availability not showing up as free?

Calendly meetings will always show a calendar busy status and will be honored as unavailable times, since they have been already booked. Changing the status of these events within your connected calendar will not free up that time within Calendly. You can cancel or reschedule events from your Meetings tab on your Home page, at any time, to open up your availability.