Abuse prevention

To protect your scheduling experience from abuse, spam, and unwanted bookings, Calendly has implemented strong security measures. If you receive unwanted bookings, follow the steps in this article to report them. Explore the following tips to avoid unwanted bookings and protect your calendar.

Tips to avoid unwanted bookings

To further protect your calendar, try these suggestions:

  • Be careful with public sharing: If your scheduling link is in your email signature, consider removing it when emailing recipients who shouldn’t have access to book meetings.
  • Make events secret: Hide event types from your landing page. This way, only invitees with the direct event link can book with you.
  • Share single-use links: Use single-use scheduling links to ensure invitees cannot reuse the link for additional bookings.
  • Set a limit for booking in advance: Control how far into the future invitees can schedule meetings by adjusting your availability date range.
  • Change your event link: Update the URL of a specific event type to create a new, secure link.

By following these practices, you can maintain control over your calendar and reduce the risk of abuse and unwanted bookings.