Creating and editing managed event types

Managed events are reusable event types that admins can edit, lock, update, and assign to users to help standardize meetings across your organization. 

Before you start

  • You must be a Calendly owner or admin to create managed events. 

Where to edit a managed event type

To create/edit a managed event:

  1. Navigate to your Admin center.
  2. Select Managed Events.
  3. Select the managed event you are looking to edit.
  4. Select New Managed Event to create a new one.

Managed event editor sections

When creating Calendly managed events, you are creating a set of parameters for how you want your team to book meetings. Within the managed event editor, there are 5 different sections that can be customized to ensure your team books meetings as desired. These sections are:

1. Event details
This section of the event editor is where you can change the following settings:

  • Event name
    • Give the event type a name.
      Event Name Image.png
  • Event color
    • Categorize events within Calendly by color.
  • Event duration
    • Designate how long the event will be (event runtime).
      Event Duration Image.png
  • Event location
    • Choose where the event will take place (virtually or in person).
      Event Location Image.png
  • Event description/Instructions
    • Add an event description to let invitees know details of the event they will be scheduling with your team.
      ETR - Event details set up.png

2. Hosts and invitees
This section of the event editor is used to review hosts that are assigned to an event and edit the option for invitees to add guests. Here you can edit:

  • Hosts for the event
    • Review who the host is for an event type.
      ETR - Hosts solo.png
  • Invitee add guests setting
    • Determine whether or not invitees will be able to add additional guests.
      ETR - Invitees edit.png

3. Scheduling Settings
In this section of the event editor, adjust how the event scheduling link availability appears. Here you can edit:


  • Date range
    • Control the range of dates that appear for scheduling on the event scheduling link.
  • Event specific availability
    • This is where hosts will have the ability to set up custom hours outside of their typical availability schedule.
  • Buffers
    • Designate extra time that can be appended before and/or after an event.
  • Minimum notice
    • Set a specific amount of time that is required to be notified before an event takes place.
  • Daily limit 
    • Limit the number of times a particular event type can be scheduled per day.
  • Time zone display
    • By default, Calendly will automatically detect the time zone of invitees when they visit a scheduling page so they do not need to adjust it themselves.
    • For in person events, we recommend locking the timezone.
  • Start time increments
    • Control how available start times appear on a scheduling page. If this setting is set to 20 mins., time slots that appear within the scheduling page would be 1:00, 1:20, 1:40, etc.

4. Booking page options
This section of the event editor allows the ability to adjust scheduling link settings. Here you can edit:

  • Event specific link (URL)
    • Edit the event URL.
  • Invitee questions
    • Collect additional information from invitees by asking invitee questions.
  • Payment collection
    • Set up events to collect payments prior to scheduling with our Stripe/PayPal integrations. 
  • Confirmation page options
    • Make changes to the scheduling link that invitees see once they have scheduled an event.

5. Notifications and Workflows
This section of the event editor allows for adjusting automatic communications that are set up for events. Here you can edit the following settings:

Basic notifications 

  • Email confirmations & Calendar invitations
    • Determine the type of notification that is sent when a new event is booked! The two types of new event notifications include email confirmations and calendar invitations.  
  • Email reminders
    • Designate times to send out email reminders to invitees.
  • Text reminders
    • Set text reminders to be sent to invitees.
  • Email follow-up
    • Automate email follow-ups to be sent to invitees after an event has taken place.


  • Managed Workflows give Calendly owners and admins the ability to create, update, and lock Workflows for the Managed Events that are assigned to users in the organization.
  • Using these Workflows, admins can apply automated notifications, such as sending emails or text messages to invitees before or after meetings, to standardize event types. To learn more, check out How to set up Admin-Managed Workflows.

Once these parameters have been defined & customized, the managed event is ready to assign!

Additional managed event settings

Editing Permissions (Locking) Event Language Assigning Managed Events

Editing Permissions (previously known as managed event lock functionality) acts as both a lock and sync functionality.

When you enable editing by assignees (as shown below), this means:
Managed event allow editing setting, previously lock setting.png

  • Other users will be able to edit that section of the event editor.
  • Changes/updates made by an owner/admin from within the Admin center will not push over to other users.

When you disable editing by assignees (as shown below), this means:
Managed event do not allow editing setting, previously lock setting.png

  • Changes made by an admin or owner to this event will push to other users.
  • People who have been assigned this event will not be able to make edits to these fields.

All sections can be enabled/disabled for editing. Here is an example of disabling editing for the Event details section: