How to set your availability

This article shows you how to set and apply a default schedule to your events, how to set custom hours for event types, and tips for setting date-specific hours in Calendly.

By default, Calendly checks your connected calendar(s) for availability when invitees book with you. Using your default schedule, custom hours, and date-specific hours, you can further refine when people can schedule with you.

On the Availability page, you can set your regular available hours in your default schedule. Any updates to this schedule automatically sync to your assigned event types. Together with your holidays, this schedule determines your overall availability in Calendly.

Set your default schedule

By setting your default schedule, you are able to outline your desired dates/times to be used for scheduling within Calendly. 

To set weekly hours
  1. Select Availability from your left-hand navigation panel.
  2. In List view, set your available hours
    • In the time boxes, select a start time and an end time for when you're available each day.
        • To add multiple intervals (time frames), select the + and enter the additional times you're available.
        • To remove an interval, select the x next to those times.


      Multiple intervals help to ensure you are not booked during your lunch breaks, a work break or while you're at the gym. 

      Ex. To accommodate for a lunch break that runs from 12pm-1pm you would have your first interval set for 9:00am - 12:00pm and then your second interval set for 1:00pm - 5:00pm.

  3. To copy time intervals to other days of the week: 
    • Select the copy icon.
    • Select the checkbox next to the days you wish to copy times to.
    • Select Apply.

Once you have your weekly schedule set up as desired, you can set date-specific hours for your schedule. Date specific hours are used to:

    • Mark specific dates and times as unavailable (great for vacation or PTO).
    • Set special availability outside your regular weekly hours.
To set non-weekly hours (bi-weekly, monthly, etc)
  1. Select Availability from your left-hand navigation panel.
  2. In List view, remove your availability intervals. 
  3. Switch to Calendar view, select the first date you are wanting to edit then select Edit date(s).
  4. In this Edit date(s) view, select all of the dates you are looking to edit your availability for.
    • Move month-to-month by selecting the < and > arrows.
    • NOTE: When editing multiple dates, the times assigned in the What hours are you available? section will be the same for all selected dates.

      Create a bi-weekly Calendly Schedule.gif

  5. Review your calendar view to ensure it looks how you want it to.
Edit your schedule from the event type editor
  1. From your home page, locate and open an event type using your default schedule.
  2. Expand the Availability section. 
  3. Select the pencil icon.
    edit schedule from event type.png
  4. Choose whether you would like to Edit your default schedule or Customize the schedule for this event type only.
    • Selecting Edit your default schedule will open an editor for you to make changes to your default schedule.
    • Selecting Customize the schedule for this event type only will allow you to make changes to the schedule of this event type only.

Create date-specific hours

If you want to offer unique hours for a particular kind of event or would like to make certain dates unavailable, you can override your regular schedule by setting date-specific hours (previously known as date overrides).

You can update your date-specific hours from your Availability page or under the Availability section in your event type editor.

To create date-specific hours from your Availability page
  1. Select Availability from your left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Locate to the Date-specific hours section and select + Hours
  3. Select the date(s) you're wanting to adjust. 
  4. Adjust your availability by adding or removing intervals under What hours are you available? 
    • Make the date(s) unavailable by selecting the x next to the time intervals.
    • Add more availability to a date by selecting the + to add a time interval.

      Edit date-sepcific time intervals.gif

  5. Select Apply.
To create date-specific hours from the event type editor
  1. Click into the event type you want to edit.
  2. Open the Availability section of your event editor.
    • If the event type is using your default schedule, select the pencil icon and choose to Edit your default schedule or to Customize the schedule for this event type only.
      edit schedule from event type.png
  3. Locate the Date-specific hours section and select + Hours
  4. Select the date(s) you're wanting to adjust. 
  5. Adjust your availability by adding or removing intervals under What hours are you available? 
    • Make the date(s) unavailable by selecting the x next to the time intervals.
    • Add more availability to a date by selecting the + to add a time interval.

      Edit date-sepcific time intervals.gif

  6. Select Apply.

Assign your default schedule

Once you have created your availability schedule and date-specific hours, you will need to assign your schedule to your event types.

To assign your default schedule from the Availability page
  1. Select Availability from your left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Open the Active on event types drop down menu.
  3. Select the checkbox next to the event types you want to apply your schedule to.
  4. Select Apply to apply your schedule to your selected event types.
To assign your default schedule from the event type editor
  1. Click into the event you want to edit.
  2. Open up the Availability section of your event type editor.
  3. Select the three vertical dots Three vertical dots.png and select Reset to default schedule.
    Reset to default schedule.png

Copy availability

Within Calendly, you also have the option to copy your availability to/from one event type to another. Once you have your ideal schedule and date-specific hours, you can copy them to or from other events within your event editor.

If you formerly used multiple schedules to manage custom availability across event types, use the apply to/copy from feature to create sets of availability that differ from your default schedule.

To copy availability to/from another event
  1. Click into the event you want to edit.
  2. Open up the Availability section of your event type editor.
  3. Select the three vertical dots Three vertical dots.png and select Apply to/from event types.
    apply to:from event types.png
  4. Select the event type you want to copy your availability to/from.