How to collect consent from invitees with custom questions

Use Calendly's invitee questions to collect consent from invitees during scheduling, such as opting into a mailing list or agreeing to privacy policies.

  1. In your event type settings, navigate to the Invitee questions section and create a new question.
  2. Add a link to your privacy policy and use a single checkbox for invitees to agree to the terms.
    • To make the link clickable, include it in the event type description.
    • If the link is too long, shorten it using a URL-shortening service.
  3. Enable the Required setting to ensure invitees provide consent before confirming their meeting.
  4. When you're done, select Save to add your question to the invitee form.

You can view their consent and other collected information in the meeting details on the Meetings page.