This article provides an overview of the fields and attributes in V2 and V1 of our Zapier integration. Learn more in Calendly + Zapier.
Version 2
With the improvements made to our Zapier integration, Zapier V2 connects via OAuth (Open Authorization) for authentication and authorization. With Zapier V2, we've expanded our attributes to include:
- Profile scheduling links
- Event type scheduling links
- Scheduled event guests
- Event type custom questions
The fields and labels listed below are a part of Zapier V2.
Fields and labels
Field | Field Data Type | Field Label | Example |
cancel_url | String | Cancel URL | |
created_at | DateTime | Invitee Created At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
String | Invitee Email | | |
event | String | Scheduled Event URI | |
first_name | String | Invitee First Name | John |
last_name | String | Invitee Last Name | Doe |
name | String | Invitee Name | John Doe |
rescheduled | Boolean | Invitee Rescheduled | false |
reschedule_url | String | Reschedule URL | |
routing_form_submission | String | Routing Form Submission URI | |
new_invitee | String | New Invitee URI | Note: In the event an invitee reschedules, New Invitee URI would be included. |
old_invitee | String | Old Invitee URI | Note: URI reference to old invitee instance that was rescheduled. |
no_show.uri | String | Invitee No Show Created URI | |
no_show.created_at | DateTime | Invitee No Show Created At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
payment.provider | String | Payment Provider | stripe |
payment.amount | Number | Payment Amount | 1234.56 |
payment.currency | String | Payment Currency | USD |
payment.external_id | String | Payment External ID | ch_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA |
payment.terms | String | Payment Terms | sample terms of payment (up to 1,024 characters) |
payment.successful | Boolean | Payment Successful | true |
questions_and_answers[]answer | String | Questions and Answers Answer | |
questions_and_answers[]position | Integer | Questions and Answers Position | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
questions_and_answers[]question | String | Questions and Answers Question | This is a required custom question with answer choices. What do you think? |
reconfirmation.created_at | DateTime | Invitee Confirmed At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
reconfirmation.confirmed_at | DateTime | Reconfirmation Created At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
status | String | Invitee Status | active |
text_reminder_number | String | Invitee Text Reminder Number | +1 404-555-1234 |
timezone | String | Invitee Timezone | America/New_York |
updated_at | DateTime | Invitee Updated At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
uri | String | Invitee URI | | | Boolean | Event Type Active | true |
event_type.admin_managed | Boolean | Event Type Admin-Managed | false |
event_type.booking_method | String | Event Type Booking Method | instant |
event_type.color | String | Event Type Color | #fff200 |
event_type.created_at | DateTime | Event Type Created At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
event_type.custom_questions[]answer_choices[] | String | Event Type Custom Questions Answer Choices | |
event_type.custom_questions[]enabled | Boolean | Event Type Custom Question Enabled | |
event_type.custom_questions[]include_other | Boolean | Event Type Custom Questions Include Other | false, false, true, false |
event_type.custom_questions[]name | String | Event Type Custom Questions Text | |
event_type.custom_questions[]position | Integer | Event Type Custom Questions Position | |
event_type.custom_questions[]required | Boolean | Event Type Custom Questions Required | |
event_type.custom_questions[]type | String | Event Type Custom Questions Type | |
event_type.deleted_at | DateTime | Event Type Deleted At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
event_type.description_html | String | Event Type Description HTML | <p>15 Minute Meeting</p> |
event_type.description_plain | String | Event Type Description Plain Text | 15 Minute Meeting |
event_type.duration | Integer | Event Type Duration | 15 |
event_type.internal_note | String | Event Type Internal Note | This an internal note |
event_type.kind | String | Event Type Kind | solo | | String | Event Type Name | 15 Minute Meeting |
event_type.pooling_type | String | Event Type Pooling Type | round_robin | | String | Profile Name | John Smith |
event_type.profile.owner | String | Profile Owner | |
event_type.profile.type | String | Profile Type | User |
event_type.profile.scheduling_url | String | Profile Scheduling URL | |
event_type.scheduling_url | String | Event Type Scheduling URL | |
event_type.secret | Boolean | Event Type Secret | false |
event_type.type | String | Event Type Type | StandardEventType |
event_type.updated_at | DateTime | Event Type Updated At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
event_type.uri | String | Event Type URI | |
scheduled_event.created_at | DateTime | Scheduled Event Created At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
scheduled_event.end_time | DateTime | Scheduled Event End Time | 2019-08-24T14:15:22.000000Z |
scheduled_event.event_guests[]created_at | DateTime | Scheduled Event Event Guests Created At | 2019-08-24T14:15:22.000000Z, 2019-08-24T14:15:22.000000Z, 2019-08-24T14:15:22.000000Z |
scheduled_event.event_guests[]email | String | Scheduled Event Event Guests Email |,, |
scheduled_event.event_guests[]updated_at | DateTime | Scheduled Event Event Guests Updated At | 2019-08-24T14:15:22.000000Z, 2019-08-24T14:15:22.000000Z, 2019-08-24T14:15:22.000000Z |
scheduled_event.hosts | String | Scheduled Event Hosts URI | | | String | Scheduled Event Hosts Email | |
scheduled_event.event_type | String | Event Type URI | | | Integer | Active Invitees Count | 1 |
scheduled_event.invitees_counter.limit | Integer | Invitees Limit | 1 | | Integer | Total Invitees | 1 |
scheduled_event.location.type | String | Scheduled Event Location Type | physical | | String | Scheduled Event Name | 15 Minute Meeting |
scheduled_event.start_time | DateTime | Scheduled Event Start Time | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z Note: Timestamp in UTC timezone. |
scheduled_event.status | String | Scheduled Event Status | active |
scheduled_event.updated_at | DateTime | Scheduled Event Updated At | 2023-08-10T10:14:32.260960Z |
scheduled_event.uri | String | Scheduled Event URI | |
tracking.utm_campaign | String | Tracking UTM Campaign | |
tracking.utm_source | String | Tracking UTM Source | |
tracking.utm_medium | String | Tracking UTM Medium | |
tracking.utm_content | String | Tracking UTM Content | |
tracking.utm_term | String | Tracking UTM Term | |
tracking.salesforce_uuid | String | Tracking Salesforce UUID | |
scheduled_event.cancellation.canceled_by | String | Scheduled Event Cancellation Canceled By | John Doe |
scheduled_event.cancellation.reason | String | Scheduled Event Cancellation Reason | Sorry, can't make it |
scheduled_event.cancellation.created_at | DateTime | Scheduled Event Cancellation Create At | 2019-01-02T03:04:05.678123Z |
scheduled_event.cancellation.canceler_type | String | Scheduled Event Cancellation Canceler Type | invitee |
invitee.cancellation.canceled_by | String | Invitee Cancellation Canceled By | John Doe |
invitee.cancellation.reason | String | Invitee Cancellation Reason | Sorry, can't make it |
invitee.cancellation.created_at | DateTime | Invitee Cancellation Create At | 2019-01-02T03:04:05.678123Z |
invitee.cancellation.canceler_type | String | Invitee Cancellation Canceler Type | invitee |
Version 1
Zapier V1 uses API Key-based authentication for user access. For steps to update to Zapier V2, check out Getting started with Zapier.
The fields and labels listed below are a part of Zapier V1.
Fields and labels
Field |
Field Data Type |
Field Label | Notes |
invitee.created_at | DateTime | Invitee Created At | | | String | Invitee Email | |
invitee.first_name | String | Invitee First Name | |
invitee.last_name | String | Invitee Last Name | | | String | Invitee Name | |
invitee.is_reschedule | Boolean | Invitee Is Reschedule | |
invitee.payments[]provider | String | Invitee Payments Provider | |
invitee.payments[]amount | Number | Invitee Payments Amount | |
invitee.payments[]currency | String | Invitee Payments Currency | |
invitee.payments[]id | String | Invitee Payments ID | |
invitee.payments[]terms | String | Invitee Payments Terms | |
invitee.payments[]successful | Boolean | Invitee Payments Successful | |
questions_and_answers[]answer | String | Questions and Answers - Answer | |
questions_and_answers[]question | String | Questions and Answers - Question | |
invitee.canceled | Boolean | Invitee Canceled | |
invitee.text_reminder_number | String | Invitee Text Reminder Number | |
invitee.timezone | String | Invitee Timezone | |
invitee.uuid | String | Invitee UUID | |
event_type.duration | Integer | Event Type Duration | |
event_type.kind | String | Event Type Kind | | | String | Event Type Name | |
event_type.slug | String | Event Type Slug | |
event_type.owner.type | String | Event Type Owner Type | |
event_type.owner.uuid | String | Event Type Owner UUID | |
event.created_at | DateTime | Event Created At | |
event.start_time | DateTime | Event Start Time | Timestamp in publisher's timezone |
event.start_time_pretty | String | Event Start Time Pretty | Timestamp in publisher's timezone |
event.invitee_start_time | DateTime | Event Invitee Start Time | Timestamp in invitee's timezone |
event.invitee_start_time_pretty | String | Event Invitee Start Time Pretty | Timestamp in invitee's timezone |
event.end_time | DateTime | Event End Time | Timestamp in publisher's timezone |
event.end_time_pretty | String | Event End Time Pretty | Timestamp in publisher's timezone |
event.invitee_end_time | DateTime | Event Invitee End Time | Timestamp in invitee's timezone |
event.invitee_end_time_pretty | String | Event Invitee End Time Pretty | Timestamp in invitee's timezone |
event.location | String | Event Location | |
event.canceled | Boolean | Event Canceled | |
event.assigned_to[] | String | Event Assigned To | |
event.extended_assigned_to[]email | String | Event Extended Assigned To Email | |
event.extended_assigned_to[]primary | Boolean | Event Extended Assigned To Primary | |
event.extended_assigned_to[]name | String | Event Extended Assigned To Name | |
tracking.utm_campaign | String | Tracking UTM Campagin | |
tracking.utm_source | String | Tracking UTM Source | |
tracking.utm_medium | String | Tracking UTM Medium | |
tracking.utm_content | String | Tracking UTM Content | |
tracking.utm_term | String | Tracking UTM Term | |
tracking.salesforce_uuid | String | Tracking Salesforce UUID | |
event.canceler_name | String | Event Canceler Name | |
event.cancel_reason | String | Event Cancel Reason | |
event.canceled_at | DateTime | Event Canceled At | |
invitee.canceler_name | String | Invitee Canceler Name | |
invitee.cancel_reason | String | Invitee Cancel Reason | |
invitee.canceled_at | DateTime | Invitee Canceled At |