Calendly + Zapier

What is Zapier?

Zapier allows you to connect your Calendly account with hundreds of apps, including Google Apps, RingCentral, Redtail CRM, and more.

Ways to use Zapier

You can create zaps to automate post-booking tasks and customize your scheduling experience.

Search Zapier's Calendly Integrations for a full list of apps that work with Calendly, then check the list of actions for a good match. For ideas, read 8 Calendly and Zapier automations to help you get more done.


When to use Zapier

If you use an app that's key for your scheduling, but it doesn't directly integrate with Calendly, you can connect them using Zapier. To see which apps Calendly integrates with natively, check the Integrations & apps page.

How Zapier works

When someone schedules or cancels a Calendly meeting with you, Zapier triggers an action in your chosen app through OAuth (Open Authorization).

More specifically, you can trigger an action when the following events happen:

  • Invitee Created: Triggers when an invitee schedules a meeting.
  • Invitee Canceled: Triggers when an invitee cancels a meeting. 
  • Invitee No Show Created: Triggers when an invitee is marked as a no-show.

With a multi-user account

Zapier decides which Calendly events to trigger based on your Calendly role and the permissions granted during the OAuth process.

Zaps will trigger for the following events and roles:

  • Organization: All scheduled meetings in the Calendly account.
  • Group: All scheduled meetings in the selected group.
  • User: The user's scheduled meetings.

The group subscription scope can only be used with the Invitee Created/Cancelled triggers and will not work with the no-show trigger. You must be a Calendly organization owner or admin in order to use the organization or group scope.

How to connect your Zapier account

Before you begin


With the improvements made to our Zapier integration, Zapier V2 connects via OAuth for authentication and authorization. Zapier V1 relies on API Key-based authentication.

If you're using Zapier V1 and need to regenerate a new API Key or would like to update to Zapier V2, follow the steps listed below.

For a detailed overview of the attributes for V1 and V2, check out Zapier fields and labels.  

Zapier V1

Steps to locate your API Key
  1. From the Calendly Integrations & apps page, select Zapier.
  2. From the sentence "If you're using Zapier V1...", select 'here'.
  3. Below the yellow announcement banner, select Regenerate Key.
  4. Select Regenerate
    API Key V2.gif

Note: Your API key will affect which events are triggered in a multi-user account. For more details, see How Zapier works with a multi-user account.

Steps to update to V2
  1. Log in to your Zapier account.

  2. Select Zaps from the navigation panel on the left-hand side.

  3. Locate the Zap that uses the V1 Calendly integration from the list of all your existing Zaps.

  4. Select the Edit button to modify the existing Zap.

  5. Update the version:

    • Select the option to Update to the latest version (V2) of the Calendly integration.

      Zapier Update.png

    • Alternatively, you may need to remove the older version and then add the newer version. In this case, you'll click to remove the existing Calendly Action or Trigger, and then add a new one, making sure to select the latest version (V2) during setup.

  6. After selecting Update, you will be prompted to re-authenticate Calendly through OAuth, moving from an API Key-based setup.

  7. Once configured, test the Zap to make sure it's working as expected with the new version of the integration.

  8. After successful testing, select Save and turn the Zap back on.

Step 1 – Connecting Calendly to Zapier

  1. From the Calendly Integrations & apps page, select Zapier
  2. From the Zapier integrations page, select Connect Zapier
  3. You'll be redirected to Zapier and prompted to log in to your account.
  4. Once logged in, you'll be guided to create a new Zap. We'll further discuss this in Step 3 below. 

Step 2 – Schedule a test meeting

  1. In Calendly, go to your Home page, locate an event type you'd like to test, and select view booking page.
  2. Fill out the invitee details, and select Schedule Event to provide Zapier with invitee sample data.

Step 3 – Create a zap

  1. From your Zapier account, follow Zapier's instructions to Create a new Zap.
  2. Complete the steps listed below.
Set up steps
  1. For your Trigger, at App Event, select Calendly.
    Zappier Trigger.png
  2. At Event, select Invitee Created or Invitee Canceled.
    Zapier Event - Invitee.png
  3. At Account, select Sign in to connect Calendly via OAuth.
    Zapier Sign In.png
  4. Zapier will momentarily load, and then redirect you to connect Calendly. Select Connect to Calendly.  
  5. From Trigger, under Webhook subscription scope, choose user or organization and select Continue
      • Note: The user subscription scope only triggers webhook for subscribed events that belong to the specific user. The organization subscription scope triggers the webhook for all subscribed events within the organization. You must be a Calendly organization owner or admin in order to use the organization scope.
  6. At Test, select Test trigger.
    Test Trigger.png
  7. The invitee data from the test meeting you scheduled in Step 1 will be used for this test.
    • Note: The test invitee data is used to ensure your setup is correct. When using the Invitee Created trigger, Zapier will pull data from the most recent non-canceled meeting. To view a sample of the invitee data Calendly sends over, view the Webhook Payload

Trigger zap for certain conditions 

If you have a paid Zapier account, you can add steps to your zap. With multi-step zaps, you can add an action, like filters, to specify the zap for certain people, event types, or details. For more complex conditions, you can also use Paths.


When you add a filter, your zap will only run if certain conditions are met. For example, you can filter your zap by:

  • Team member: Only continue if John is the team member booked (Image 2).
  • Event type: Only continue if Coffee Chat is the event booked. 
  • UTM parameter: Only continue if UTM Source is email.
  • Answers to questions: Only continue if an invitee answers yes or maybe.


Troubleshooting Zapier

Your Zap History contains a log of all your zaps. If your zap isn't working as expected, your Zap History will give you more details as to why a zap failed. If you need help with your zap, contact Zapier support.