How to add Calendly to Google Sites

Google allows you to embed your Calendly scheduling page onto your website using its built-in embed tool. Google Sites are completely responsive, so your invitees can schedule across all devices.

How to embed an inline scheduling page

  1. While editing your website, expand the Insert menu and choose the Embed tool.
  2. You'll be prompted to embed a website By URL, where you can enter the link to your personal scheduling page, an event type page, or a team page:

  3. Select the embedded section and drag to change its location or expand the size to fit. Preview your completed site before publishing to ensure it suits your preferences.v3googlesites1.png

How to add hyperlinks and buttons

  1. Use the Insert menu to add images or text that link to your scheduling page.
  2. Select the asset and select the hyperlink tool to add your Calendly URL. Note: Google also offers to create a button for you, using the text and link of your choice.
  3. Invite visitors to book a time with you by linking the button to your scheduling page.
