How to import missing data from Calendly into Salesforce

If your Salesforce integration was temporarily disconnected, causing Calendly bookings not to sync, you'll need to manually import those records. This article outlines the necessary steps.

How to import missing data

  1. From your Calendly account, navigate to the Meetings page.

  2. Export a report of your Meetings from Calendly.

    • Note: You can change the view from My Calendly to All Users & Teams to export all of the meetings.

      Export Meetings Tab.png

  3. Confirm which rows you would like to import and remove the ones that already exist in Salesforce.

  4. Open the .csv file. As of version 2.6, you will need to add the following columns and required values to your .csv that you're importing:

    • Invitee Created At
    • Event Subject
    • Event Type Duration
    • Event Type Kind
    • Event Type Slug
    • Request Id
    • Name
  5. Fill the following values for these columns for every row you're importing:

    • Invitee Created At: Use the same value as Event Created Date & Time.

    • Event Subject: You can concatenate the Invitee Name and Event Type Name for the Subject.

    • Event Type Duration: Length of event in minutes. You can calculate manually or use an Excel formula.

      • Note: This must be a number value without decimals or alpha characters.

    • Event Type Kind: "NA"

    • Event Type Slug: "NA"

    • Request Id: This needs to be unique so that you don't duplicate any insertions. A good format is YYYMMDD<number>. For example: 20240301001

    • Name: "invitee.created"

      • Note: If you are importing canceled events, this would be "invitee.canceled".

  6. Update all 4 date/time fields to the following format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ


  7. Save the .csv file.

  8. Open Salesforce Setup, and search Import.

  9. Select Data Import Wizard.

  10. Scroll down and select Launch Wizard.


  11. Select Custom Objects, then select CalendlyActions.

  12. Match By: Request Id and ensure Trigger Workflow Rules and Processes are checked:

    CalendlyActions. image.png

  13. Choose your .csv file to upload, then select Next.

  14. Some fields will auto map according to the field name. Otherwise, map the remaining fields according to the chart below.

    Field Mapping
    Mapped Salesforce Object CSV Header
    Event Primary Publisher Name User Name
    Unmapped Team
    Invitee Name Invitee Name
    Invitee First Name Invitee First Name
    Invitee Last Name Invitee Last Name
    Invitee Email Invitee Email
    Invitee Time Zone Invitee Time Zone
    Unmapped Invitee accepted marketing emails
    Unmapped Text Reminder Number
    Event Type Name  Event Type Name
    Event Start Time Start Date & Time
    Event End Time End Date & Time
    Location Location
    Event Created At Event Created Date & Time
    Event Canceled  Canceled
    Event Canceler Name Canceled By
    Event Cancel Reason Cancellation Reason
    CustomQuestion1 Question 1
    CustomResponse1 Response 1
    UtmCampaign UTM Campaign
    UtmSource UTM Source
    UtmMedium UTM Medium
    UtmTerm UTM Term
    UtmContent UTM Content
    Unmapped Salesforce UUID
    Unmapped Event Price
    Unmapped Payment Currency
    Additional Guests Guest Email(s)
    Unmapped Invitee Reconfirmed
    Unmapped Marked as No-Show
    Unmapped Meeting Notes
    Group Name Group
    Event Primary Publisher Email User Email
    Event Uuid Event UUID
    Invitee Uuid Invitee UUID
    Unmapped Invitee scheduled by
    Unmapped Scheduling method
    Invitee Create At Invitee Created At
    Event Subject Event Subject
    Event Type Duration Event Type Duration
    Event Type Kind Event Type Kind
    Event Type Slug Event Type Slug
    Request Id Request Id
    CalendlyAction Name Name
  15. Select Next. The following screen will show a summary of the import including some missed field mappings - this is expected.

  16. Select Next. The following screen will tell you the status of the import. Once it's complete you can download a result report to see which records failed and which succeeded:

    View results.image.png

  17. Upon successful import, the Calendly Action records will be created and result in triggering the CreateEventTemplate flow. This will create your Events, Leads etc.