Time Zones overview

How Calendly detects your time zone

Calendly automatically detects your time zone when you create an account. When an invitee schedules an event with you, it is published to your calendar in the time zone you've set within your calendar settings. You can view or change your time zone at any time from your Account Settings.


Editing your time zone for specific schedules or event types

By default, Calendly applies the time zone specified in your account settings to your schedules and event types. 

To change the time zone for a schedule, select the current time zone at the top of your schedule and search for the one you'd like to change it to. The current time within that time zone will appear on the left. Once a new time zone has been chosen, the schedule will automatically save.

To change the time zone for a specific event type

  1. From your Event Types page, select the event you would like to update.
  2. Expand the Scheduling settings section.
  3. From Available hours, select your current available hours for the event type. 
  4. Select the current time zone at the top of your available hours and search for the one you'd like to change it to.
  5. Select Save & Close.


    We've improved availability management and the event type editor, now in public beta for select users. If you're in the beta, check out this article to learn more.

    For users in the beta, you can manage your event type's time zone setting by selecting the desired event type, navigating to the Availability section in the event type editor, and locate the time zone settings beneath the meeting hours schedule. 

    Time Zone 1.png

How Calendly handles invitees' time zones

Calendly will automatically detect your invitee's time zone and adjust the display of your availability accordingly. After scheduling with you, the event added to their calendar will reflect the time zone from their calendar's settings.

If an invitee would like to view your availability in a different time zone, they can expand the drop-down menu on your scheduling page and adjust the display setting.


How Calendly handles daylight savings time

Calendly automatically adjusts for daylight savings. When invitees book events before or after daylight savings, Calendly adjusts the times they see so events are scheduled at the right time.

Locking an event type to a specific time zone

If you’re holding in-person meetings, you may want to lock an event type's time zone. This will ensure that invitees view the scheduling page in the time zone that the event will be taking place.

  1. From your Event Types page, select the event you would like to update.
  2. Expand the Scheduling settings section.
  3. From Additional options, select Time zone display
  4. Choose Lock the timezone.
  5. Select Save & Close.


    For users in the beta, you can lock your event type's time zone by selecting More options at the bottom of the event type editor, then expanding the Limits and buffers section.

    Lock Time Zone.png