How to reference Calendly links as merge fields in Marketo emails

This article outlines steps for those using the Calendly Salesforce package (version 2.3 or higher) and have created a custom formula field to look up a record owner's Calendly link. 

For additional information on how to create a custom formula field, check out this Help Center article: Dynamically referencing Calendly links in Salesforce email templates and buttons 

Setting it up

If you haven't already, you will need to install the Marketo Sales Insight package into your Salesforce instance before proceeding with the steps listed below. To install the package, visit the Salesforce AppExchange: Marketo Sales Insight

  1. From Marketo, under Admin > Integration > Salesforce, select to start Salesforce sync. 
  2. Log into your Salesforce account. This will initiate field mapping. 
  3. From Marketo, under Admin > Database Management > Field Management, you should now see the field that looks up the record owner's Calendly link. 
  4. Select to Edit the relevant Marketo email. 
  5. From the email toolbar, select the Insert Token icon.
  6. Select the token relating to the field name synced from Salesforce that contains the Calendly link. 
  7. Set a Default Value. Options such as a routing form or a round robin link may be ideal.
  8. From the email toolbar, select the Edit HTML icon.
  9. Locate the personalization token in your email, then add <a href=" before the token and "> Book time here. </a> after.
  10. Replace "Book time here." with the text you want to be hyperlinked.
  11. Save changes. 
  12. Preview the email to make sure your token and default is working as expected.