Account Suspension

If you are receiving the error message "your Calendly account has been suspended" when you try to log in, your account may have been flagged by our team or by our automated suspension tools.

Here is an overview on why your account may be suspended: 

Suspension Grounds 

Calendly works hard to maintain the security of our platform. We utilize a combination of internal and third-party tools to flag and remove accounts that violate our terms.  

Review this list to learn more about activity that can flag your Calendly account for review: 

1. You have violated our Terms of Use 

Our Terms of Use outlines what you can and cannot do with Calendly in detail. We encourage you to read these terms thoroughly to ensure your account is in compliance. 

2. Your account contains prohibited content 

Calendly automatically monitors your account information, event type details, and SMS messages for prohibited content. Prohibited content includes but is not limited to illegal activity, illicit substances, explicit content, threats or harassment. Accounts that contain this content are at risk of being flagged or suspended. 

3. You signed up using a disposable email 

Disposable emails, or free anonymous web email domains, can be generated randomly and are more often utilized by spammers. Calendly does not support disposable email domains at this time. In order to create a Calendly account, you will need to sign up using a reputable email provider (such as GMail, Yahoo, Hotmail), a business email, or an educational email address. 

4. Your account activity has been flagged as spam

Spam-like behavior can refer to things such as sending malicious links (such as phishing or malware), account impersonation, excessive notifications, or aggressive marketing tactics. If our team receives a report of spam-like behavior coming from your account, we will conduct an internal investigation to determine whether or not your account violates our terms. This can result in your account being flagged or suspended. 

Reinstating your account 

If you received an email informing you of your account suspension, you can reply directly to that email and submit a suspension appeal. Our team will review the details of your account and will notify you if your account is eligible to be reinstated. 

Prevent your account from being flagged

Here are some best practices to help ensure that your account is not flagged in the future: 

  • Allow invitees to book for themselves
    Rather than having a member of your team add all bookings at one time, you can direct your invitees to your scheduling page. This way, each invitee can book the time and date they would like to meet. Additionally, this helps ensure that each invitee has opted-in to receiving messages about these events.
  • Limit the number of notifications sent out
    Cutting down on the number of SMS messages or email notifications sent to your invitees can reduce the risk that your messages will be marked as spam and flagged.
  • Utilize other tools for marketing and promotion
    While Calendly is great for scheduling, Calendly is not intended for use as a large-scale marketing distribution tool. Rapidly generating invitations at one time may result in your account being flagged as spam or account suspension.