How to embed routing from Marketo forms

Before you begin

To embed Advanced Routing with Marketo, you'll first need to import a Marketo routing form.

Step 1 - Generate and copy the Advanced routing embed code

To embed Advanced Routing with Marketo, you'll first need to generate the code that you'll place on the website containing your Marketo form.

  1. Navigate to the Routing Forms panel from your Calendly home page.
  2. Select Share to the right of the routing form you'd like to embed.
  3. Select Copy.

Step 2 - Paste the Advanced Routing embed code onto the web page containing your Marketo Form

Copy and paste this script into your website after the Marketo embed code to run routing logic in Calendly for when a user submits your Marketo form

  1. Open your web hosting platform.
  2. Select the Embed from the web panel (or your web provider's equivalent).
  3. Paste the routing form embed code after the Marketo embed code.
  4. Select Save.

    : If you're using Marketo Landing Pages rather than solely the Marketo Form embedded within your Content Management System (CMS), you'll need to follow these steps: 
    1. Select the routing form you want to use while building the Marketo Landing Page, ensuring it's the same form that is connected with Calendly. 
    2. From the Edit Page Meta Tags section, instead of placing the routing form embed code after the Marketo embed code, add the routing form embed code to the Custom HEAD HTML section.
    3. Select Save.