Embed options overview



If you are looking to make large customizations to your Calendly embed, we recommend viewing the resources in our developer portal.

You can add your Calendly booking flow directly to your website, so your site visitors can schedule with you without leaving your site. You can choose from three customizable embed options explained below.

If you are instead looking to add your scheduling link to your email signature, this article walks you through how to do so.

General Embed Advanced Embed

Inline example


Pop-up text example


Pop-up widget example


Embedding Calendly on your website

Select your website provider to learn more about the embed options available for your website.

Add your landing page to your website

To embed a landing page with multiple event types, visit the Event Types tab on your Home page. Find the team or user whose landing page you'd like to share. Select the gear icon and then select Add to Website. Then, choose the type of embed that you prefer and adjust the appearance to fit your site.


Add an event type scheduling page to your website

Control the type of meeting your site visitors schedule by embedding an event type scheduling page. Visit the Event Types tab on your Home page. Locate the event type you would like to embed, and select Share. In the pop-up, select Add to Website. Then, choose the type of embed that you prefer and adjust the appearance to fit your site.

Share your Calendly link via embed .gif


Customizing your embed

Hide event details

All three embed types allow you to Hide Event Details. You can enable this option to remove your avatar, the event type name, the location, and the event type details when Calendly is embedded. This will reduce any duplicate content you may have already added to your website.


Customize the color and button text

Color and button text customizations are available for the pop-up widget embed, and you can edit the text shown for the pop-up text option. Users with paid subscriptions have access to more color customization settings, including background color, text color, and button & link color.

Once you’re happy with the changes, copy the code to add it to your web page.


Need more help? Check out our 
embed guides for some of the most popular website platforms.

For answers to some common embed questions, check out this article!