How to bulk edit event types

You can use the bulk actions toolbar to delete multiple event types or turn them on/off at once. In a team page, you can also copy availability from another event type within that team page. 

Owners and admins can take bulk actions on their users’ personal event types or in team pages. To access team pages or another user's event types, use the My Calendly dropdown menu to switch views.

  1. From the Event types page, select the check box of the event types you'd like to edit.
    bulk edit check box.png
  2. The bulk actions toolbar will appear at the bottom of the page. From here, you can:
    • Delete the selected event types by selecting the trash can icon. 
      Bulk edit event types - delete.png
    • Turn the selected event types on or off by selecting the toggle icon.
      Bulk edit event types - toggle on or off.png
    • In a team page, copy availability from another event type within that team page by selecting the calendar icon. 
      copy from bulk edit.png


Deleting or turning off an event type does not affect previously scheduled meetings. You can cancel existing meetings from the Meetings page.